Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Final Stages

We are currently working on the final stages of our project. We are in the process of getting our website up, as well as last minute changes to our other deliverables. Our final deliverables include timemaps of churches with the painters that are featured, the public art in Venice, and the store openings and closings. We are also working on word clouds that will feature the headlines from the two newspapers in Venice as well as a cropping tool for the de Barbari map. Also we are working on updating some of the wikis on the main page of Our final paper will be in the form of an issue of WIRED magazine that is called VENIX. It will be the first of hopefully many issues to come in the future. It will include our project as well as some of the other projects being completed this year. Below are examples of an issue of WIRED magazine. The other example is a time-map taken from the site Threatened Voices. The last example is one of the word clouds generated from the headlines of Il Gazzetino.