Sunday, September 20, 2009


SpatialKey is an impressive web-based solution to location-based data. The app, still in beta phase, is currently free to sign up for and offers a wealth of features to analyze information on a map. Specializing in the visualization of temporal and geospatial data, SpatialKey could certainly be the means for our infographic needs.

Check out this video introducing the app:

The software supports importing data using the popular .csv (comma separated values) format, which can be exported from most spreadsheet programs (read: excel). Once imported, SpatialKey intelligently searches through the file and begins to summarize and filter it – prompting you with some options for visualization. Fields with titles like longitude, latitude, address, or even IP address will all be read into the software and overlaid on a map.

Detailed reports and analysis tools are available once you get your data uploaded and filtered. Overall, the sheer amount of things you can do with the information is definitely overwhelming. I signed up for an account and started to mess around some sample datasets – hopefully I’ll add some pictures of what comes out!

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